Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beginnings Being Hard

Well, here I am. And here you are. And I have a question: what do you want to read for fun?

My credentials: I've been writing since I was twelve years old. Along the way, I've won an award, gotten a degree, and dabbled pretty constantly in writing. I've written everything from poetry to novel-length manuscripts, audio plays to stage plays and most of what's in between. Dabbling. Fun.

As I now find myself with a disgraceful amount of time on my hands, I've decided to formalize the dabbling into a job. That's where you come in.

Does romance trip your trigger? How about stuff with triggers? Trigger the horse? Horses of a different color? Let me know. I'm not saying I'll write in all of the genres for the suggestions I get. It's hard enough to write adequately in one genre, let alone many. But I want to write what you want to read. Whatever I don't know, I'll learn.

Eventually, there will be stuff for sale and links for donations and all that. The good news is that it'll be freebies for a while. I'll be posting things here and there that I've written and also serializing a web novel soon. As I have post-able comments or opinions or writing tips, I'll put those on here, too. These will serve as samples of my work, so that when I do have something for sale, you'll want to pay for it. The genesis of this project, what I really want to do with it, is to write something you want to read. I want to start with that and earn your trust.

Really, isn't that the way it should be? You're the consumer; wouldn't you want to have a say in what the authors you follow should be writing? After all, you're the ones who are buying.

So, let me know what you want to read. I can't wait to get started.


  1. Way to go Hubby!
    Seriously people, he's really good!!

  2. What you're describing, John, is now being referred to as "crowdsourcing."

    My one question for your when will you get with the program and start Twittering? The Twitterverse awaits you!

    Walt Shiel

  3. With regards to the Twitterverse, I'm immersed in making some little sense of a very large e-book project. When those measures are complete (within a week or so, heaven willing), I'm planning to jump into Twitter.

    Thanks for commenting!

  4. Hi John,

    As much as I hate to publicly admit to what I have been reading, for the past 10 months, here it goes: paranormal series fiction. There, I said it.

    My addiction started innocently enough. I had purchased the Twight series for my 12 year old niece for Christmas. Wondering if it was appropriate reading material, I bought myself the paperback version of the books.

    Since then I've read all the Sookie Stackhouse novels (True Blood, on HBO, is based on these books), and four other smaller series about werewolves, vampires, faeries, demons, etc.

    Soooo, have you Twittered yet?

  5. We have the same name...
    You may get some of my friends on your blog.
    Walt was one. (Aug. 24.)
    Where are you from, what have you done?
    Check out:
    John C. Hager
